Slightly lied a wee bit on the last update but it wasn't intentional. I genuinely didn't plan any more music this next year or 2, apart from a feature verse here and there. Turns out I will be making music, an EP at least.

After the EP's out, that will genuinely be it, unless I get a bunch of money I wasn't expecting, earlier than I'm expecting any money just now. So my guess is after this EP, I'll have an album like June 2015 with nothing in between.

I realise that's a HUGE amount of time for an independent artist but the time won't be due to me not working, it will be due to funds, which I have absolutely no control over. That's the only reason it'll take so long.

Now this EP. It wasn't a big serious project I've had in mind for months like Free Society was. It was (and I'm being completely straight up) a chance to record an EP for free, so I wrote one. Now, I did have the songs on the EP planned beforehand but they were just songs, there was no ... Read more »
Views: 1920 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2013-12-19 | Comments (0)

Will be blunt. No much music for me in the next year or two. Frankly, I can't afford it. In the next year to two years, I will be spending money on upgrading my PC, getting a new microphone and paying for certain other things to allow me to make music again. But at this present moment in time, I don't want to continue putting out low quality music, when I feel like my writing is getting better, it feels like a waste of time. This is the reason Fanfaronade 2 got 15 - 20 downloads and not much more. I didn't want to promote it - it became embarrassing. 

Now, I probably will do a verse here and there if I'm asked for collaborations, but if you are going to ask, I will need a place to record and mixing. I refuse to ask for money for collaborations, but a mic to record my verse would be nice until I get my own. If you're fine with my mic and you mixing, I'm willing to do it, I've done a few collaborations this year already and they sound relatively fine. But not as g ... Read more »
Views: 3575 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2013-11-30 | Comments (0)

I decided to make a website. Was researching the best advertising tools and one of the first thing that came up was a website. I'm skint, don't have much coding knowledge, so this is the best I can do.

You'll get every track that features me, videos with me in them, photos and all the info you need on my musical endeavors. If you need a big professional website to take me seriously, go kill yourself :)

I added my "Monk's Opinions" blog content on this, just so everything's together and I don't need to maintain 2 websites at the same time. Everything to do with my music and my writing is connected through this website.

If you need to get in touch, click the contact link at the top or here. If you want to collab, there's a section on the contact page to send the instrumental and concept you're using. Everything's much easier. If you'd prefer to be more personal about it, get me on ... Read more »
Views: 2090 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2012-11-10 | Comments (0)