Main » 2013 » November » 30 » Music Updates
4:43 AM
Music Updates
Will be blunt. No much music for me in the next year or two. Frankly, I can't afford it. In the next year to two years, I will be spending money on upgrading my PC, getting a new microphone and paying for certain other things to allow me to make music again. But at this present moment in time, I don't want to continue putting out low quality music, when I feel like my writing is getting better, it feels like a waste of time. This is the reason Fanfaronade 2 got 15 - 20 downloads and not much more. I didn't want to promote it - it became embarrassing. 

Now, I probably will do a verse here and there if I'm asked for collaborations, but if you are going to ask, I will need a place to record and mixing. I refuse to ask for money for collaborations, but a mic to record my verse would be nice until I get my own. If you're fine with my mic and you mixing, I'm willing to do it, I've done a few collaborations this year already and they sound relatively fine. But not as good as I want my music to sound. 

Because of how long it'll be without music and the fact I probably won't stop writing, when I start making music again, there will probably be quite a bit of it. I've already started writing an album and I have a few ideas for a mixtape/EP etc... So I'm not stopping writing, just don't want to record shitty sounding music. 

This is a nice feeling. I have huge plans for this album. It'll definitely be my best release to date, I'm not holding back on price, I'm not holding back on opinions, I'm going for it fully. Hopefully when it comes out (early/mid 2015), it'll be worth the wait and people haven't instantly forgotten me before I manage to make a real name for myself. That would suck lol 

So aye, looking forward to next year. Looking forward to being able to make good music instantly instead of having to pay 200+ quid if I want to make a simple EP. Should be fun. 
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