Will be blunt. No much music for me in the next year or two. Frankly, I can't afford it. In the next year to two years, I will be spending money on upgrading my PC, getting a new microphone and paying for certain other things to allow me to make music again. But at this present moment in time, I don't want to continue putting out low quality music, when I feel like my writing is getting better, it feels like a waste of time. This is the reason Fanfaronade 2 got 15 - 20 downloads and not much more. I didn't want to promote it - it became embarrassing.
Now, I probably will do a verse here and there if I'm asked for collaborations, but if you are going to ask, I will need a place to record and mixing. I refuse to ask for money for collaborations, but a mic to record my verse would be nice until I get my own. If you're fine with my mic and you mixing, I'm willing to do it, I've done a few collaborations this year already and they sound relatively fine. But not as g
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